King's Cross P2

King's Cross P2 achieved the highest score over the Quarter, showing further improvement from what was already a strong position.

The project achieved a 'Blue' rating for its approach to site tidiness & protection, with every effort being made to ensure the site itself is kept clean & clear, using sacrificial reinforced concrete roadways, paths & hard standings for plant & materials. The access road through the site has been bunded to help ensure mud & debris does not wash under the site hoarding with wheel washing facilities also in operation to prevent mud transfer onto the public highway.

Site held QA documentation is of a very high standard & this is mirrored by the quality of workmanship that has been produced on site so far.

The project team are keen to put Quality at the forefront of their approach to construction with a Quality Presentation developed specifically for the client, the presence of Quality Boards through the site & 'QR' links to installation video's in different languages.

For these reasons, Quarterly Quality Award for the first quarter of 2019 goes to the Kings Cross P2 project team.

